
Advanced HubSpot Features You Might Be Overlooking in Your Marketing Strategy

Written by Jorge Alberto Fuentes Zapata | Jan 22, 2024 3:00:00 PM

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. HubSpot, a powerhouse in inbound marketing, offers a comprehensive suite of features that go beyond the basics. While many businesses are familiar with the fundamental aspects of HubSpot, there are advanced features that often go unnoticed. In this in-depth guide, we'll explore some of these advanced HubSpot features that you might be overlooking in your marketing strategy. Uncovering these hidden gems can elevate your marketing efforts, streamline processes, and contribute to more impactful campaigns.

1. Multi-Touch Revenue Attribution Reporting

Understanding the customer journey is essential for effective marketing. HubSpot's Multi-Touch Revenue Attribution Reporting goes beyond last-touch attribution, providing insights into the various touchpoints that contribute to conversions. By analyzing the entire customer journey, you can allocate credit to each interaction, gaining a holistic view of the marketing channels and efforts that drive revenue.

How to Use: Navigate to the "Reports" section in HubSpot and select "Attribution." Explore the Multi-Touch Revenue Attribution reports to gain insights into the customer journey and the impact of different touchpoints.

2. Custom Object Integration

For businesses with unique data structures, HubSpot's Custom Object Integration offers a powerful solution. It allows you to create custom databases within HubSpot to store and manage data specific to your business needs. Whether it's tracking products, projects, or any other custom entity, this feature provides flexibility beyond the standard data fields.

How to Use: Access the "Settings" in HubSpot, go to "Objects," and create a new custom object. Define the properties and relationships for your custom object to tailor it to your business requirements.

3. Conversational Marketing Automation

Conversational marketing is on the rise, and HubSpot's Conversational Marketing Automation takes it a step further. This feature allows you to automate chatflows based on user behavior. Whether it's triggering a chatflow after a specific page view or based on a contact's engagement, this automation enhances your ability to engage with prospects in real-time.

How to Use: Navigate to "Conversations" in HubSpot and select "Chatflows." Set up automation rules to trigger chatflows based on user behavior, ensuring personalized and timely interactions.

4. Predictive Lead Scoring

While lead scoring is a common practice, HubSpot's Predictive Lead Scoring takes it to a new level. This feature uses machine learning to analyze patterns and behaviors, providing more accurate predictions of which leads are likely to convert. By leveraging data-driven insights, your sales team can prioritize their efforts on leads with the highest likelihood of conversion.

How to Use: Go to the "Contacts" section in HubSpot and select "Lead Scoring." Explore the predictive lead scoring model and adjust the criteria to align with your business objectives.

5. HubDB for Dynamic Content Management

HubSpot's HubDB offers a dynamic way to manage and display content on your website. It functions as a flexible database, allowing you to store and retrieve data that can be used to create dynamic and personalized content. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses with large product catalogs, event listings, or any data-driven content.

How to Use: Access the "Marketing" tab in HubSpot, go to "Website," and select "HubDB." Create a new table and define the columns to structure your dynamic content.

6. Smart Content Personalization

While personalization is a common strategy, HubSpot's Smart Content takes it a step further by dynamically adapting content based on a visitor's characteristics and behavior. This advanced feature enables you to tailor website content, emails, and CTAs to individual visitors, enhancing the overall user experience.

How to Use: In the "Content" section of HubSpot, choose "Smart Content" to create rules based on contact properties or behaviors. Customize content variations to provide a personalized experience for different segments.

7. HubSpot CMS Hub Flexibility

HubSpot CMS Hub offers more than just a platform for creating websites. Its flexibility allows for advanced customization, making it suitable for businesses with unique design and functionality requirements. From custom themes to modular content creation, the CMS Hub provides the tools needed to create a tailored online presence.

How to Use: Explore the "Design" and "Content" tools within the CMS Hub to customize your website. Leverage drag-and-drop functionality and build custom modules to create a unique and visually appealing site.

8. Social Media Monitoring and Publishing

Beyond the basic social media features, HubSpot offers advanced social media monitoring and publishing capabilities. Monitor brand mentions, engage with your audience, and schedule posts across multiple social platforms directly from the HubSpot dashboard. The comprehensive analytics provide insights into the performance of your social media efforts.

How to Use: Access the "Social" section in HubSpot to connect your social media accounts. Explore the publishing tools and set up monitoring streams to stay informed about brand mentions and industry trends.

9. Content Partitioning for Team Collaboration

For businesses with multiple teams managing different aspects of marketing, HubSpot's Content Partitioning is a game-changer. It allows you to partition assets such as emails, landing pages, and forms, ensuring that each team has access to the relevant resources without cluttering the workspace.

How to Use: Go to "Settings" in HubSpot, select "Users & Teams," and enable Content Partitioning. Define the partition settings to ensure that teams can access and collaborate on the assets they need.

10. HubSpot Video Hosting and Analytics

Video content is a powerful marketing tool, and HubSpot's Video Hosting and Analytics offer a centralized platform for managing and analyzing your video content. Upload, embed, and track the performance of your videos directly within HubSpot. This feature provides insights into viewer engagement and helps you understand the impact of video on your marketing strategy.

How to Use: Navigate to "Files" in HubSpot and select "Videos." Upload your videos and utilize the analytics to measure engagement, track views, and understand the effectiveness of your video content.

Incorporating Advanced HubSpot Features into Your Strategy

1. Conduct a Feature Audit

Start by conducting a thorough audit of your current HubSpot usage. Identify which features you are currently leveraging and which ones remain untapped. This audit serves as the foundation for integrating advanced features into your strategy.

2. Align Features with Business Goals

Understand your business objectives and marketing goals. Align the advanced features of HubSpot with these goals to ensure that their implementation contributes directly to the success of your marketing strategy.

3. Invest in Training and Skill Development

Take advantage of HubSpot Academy and other training resources to familiarize your team with advanced features. Investing in skill development ensures that your team can fully leverage the capabilities of HubSpot for maximum impact.

4. Develop a Feature Implementation Plan

Rather than attempting to adopt all advanced features at once, develop a phased implementation plan. Prioritize features based on their potential impact on your marketing goals and gradually integrate them into your strategy.

5. Monitor and Analyze Results

After implementing advanced features, closely monitor their performance. Utilize HubSpot's analytics tools to measure the impact on key metrics. Analyzing results allows you to refine your strategy and continuously optimize for better outcomes.

HubSpot Learning Resources for Advanced Feature Mastery

1. HubSpot Academy Advanced Courses

Explore the advanced courses offered by HubSpot Academy. These courses cover in-depth topics related to advanced features, providing insights and best practices for effective implementation.

2. Community Engagement for Advanced Insights

Join the HubSpot Community to connect with other marketers who have experience with advanced features. Share experiences, seek advice, and stay informed about the latest updates and best practices related to advanced HubSpot features.

Conclusion: Elevating Your Marketing Strategy with Advanced HubSpot Features

In the competitive landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead requires a commitment to innovation and the effective use of advanced tools. HubSpot's suite of features goes beyond the basics, offering a plethora of advanced capabilities that can revolutionize your marketing strategy. By uncovering and incorporating these hidden gems, you can streamline processes, gain deeper insights, and ultimately achieve more impactful campaigns. Embrace the advanced features of HubSpot, tailor them to your business needs, and navigate the complexities of digital marketing with confidence. Elevate your marketing strategy and propel your brand to new heights in the age of advanced and strategic marketing initiatives.

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